Funnysteps > Thinkings bring you something new TOP > 201. Do not hear straight

Thinkings bring you something new

201. Do not hear straight
original uploaded on 2017/03/03 05:17 (GMT)

Japanese Edition of this blog page
I think that
it is important for us not to hear other people's words straight
as words they say or as movies they show,
when we hear other people's talks.

I think how straight we hear other people's talks
may depend on our body positions when we hear other people's words.

When we hear teacher's talks or look some movies or hear anyone's talks,
I recommend you to take a body position
in which we can think fully what they are saying in our brains
while hearing their talks.
It is not a good inform way
which is without rooms to think by listeners' minds
, I think.

And I want to write more.
When I see CMs,
I observe how they promote and advertise their products or services.
So I once receive their advertisements as their words or movies by my heart,
like "HOoooo. Wow! Such products exists!!!"
Then after looking them,
I rethink about them
and I only buy some of them,
when I think that I need it truly.

Funnysteps > Thinkings bring you something new TOP > 201. Do not hear straight
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