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Start from deep points

Japanese Edition of this page


What is "Start from deep points"? -Be free from pretending having already known-
I recommend you to think below questions by yourself to your heart's content,
before you look those answers.
At first, try and challenge by yourself!!
Even if you fail here,
you will never suffer any serious damages.

Why do not we memorize straightly anything?

Why do we learn? -We must really live in now-
Why do we learn? Part. 2 -We can live our lives best-
Why do we learn? Part. 3 -We can live more independently-
Why do we learn? Part. 4 -We must earn our lives with our responsibilities-
Why do we learn? Part. 5 -Play well-
and so on...

If we learn more about us and our surrunding world,
I think that we will encounter many more good things in our lives.
I recommend you to read my thoughts
after thinking your will by yourself about my giving themes by subtitles
and after you talking about those themes with others.

Below categories are divided along with Japanese teaching curriculum.

Elementary School
1. What is 1 as ratio?
2. When we divide a number by a fraction, why must we turn that fraction upside down and after then multiply them?
3. What is the total amount 1 of "problems of work"?
4. What do I really do when I do not read questions correctly?
5. I want to write my sentences good.
6. What are c, k, m? We usually see them with units.
7. Why must we make our notes good?
8. Why must we make our notes good? Part. 2
9. What are cultures?

Junior High School
1. What are negative numbers?
2. What are letters in math?
3. What are functions?
4. It is too messy to prove some theorems in math.
5. I want to write my sentences good.
6. Why we use π as the circular constant?
7. What means , ?
8. It is too messy to draw graphs.
9. What are differences in domain and codomain?
10. How we draw graphs and are they have fashions when we draw them?

High School
1. What era is when your present studying matter was a front of our human beings? (in physics)
2. What era is when your present studying matter was a front of our human beings? (in math)
3. Why we always use "each other," when we operate two numbers?
4. Are you clear "Additive geometric mean (arithmetic-geometric mean)"?
4-1. Word meanings of additive geometric mean
4-2. Graphical explanations of additive geometric mean
(Let's go 4-1,4-2, after reading 4. Page 4 has links to them.)
5. What is a constant term in a formula of a line?
6. How goes, if I want to explain a formula of distance between a point and a line graphically. (Another solution in our math text in Japan)
7. What are "Three laws of motion"?
8. In short, what happens when waves propagate?
9. What is "Principle of superposition (in wave)"?
10. What is "polar coordinate"?
11. I want to write my sentences good.
12. When we use "similarly"?
13. What are units?
14. What is "Equation of motion"?
15. What really are equations?
16. When we divide a number by a fraction, why must we turn that fraction upside down and after then multipuly them? (Again)
17. What are significant digits?
18. When we use "equivalent"?
19. What is trigonometric addition formulas, that is, formulas of a sum of radians in a trigonometric function?
19-1. A proof of trigonometric addition formulas in sin
19-2. A proof of trigonometric addition formulas in cosin
(Let's go 19-1,19-2, after reading 19. Page 19 has links to them.)
20. When we move functions in parallel with axis x or y, why we minus that same distance in a formula?

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