Funnysteps > What's new?

What's new?

2023/03/29 2 English pages of my "Writing Strategies" are added the same paragraph about Mr. James W. Young.
Writing Strategies Top Page
and 1. What condition is that matters of your writing are interesting and helpful for your readers?
2021/08/26 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1475. Paralympic Tokyo 2020 has opened. original uploaded on 2021/08/24 14:26 (GMT)
2021/07/23 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1442. Mochi-Beat also played sports original uploaded on 2021/07/23 15:28 (GMT)
2021/07/22 2 article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1440. Like "Flying Monkeys" original uploaded on 2021/07/19 01:19 (GMT)
1441. Oh, Today is the 5th anniversary day of Funnysteps original uploaded on 2021/07/22 11:11 (GMT)
2021/07/18 2 article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
841. Thinking about sportsmanship original uploaded on 2020/01/12 16:20 (GMT)
and change a mistake spelling of "sportsmanship" in title
1405. One of meanings that Olympic is held in Tokyo original uploaded on 2021/06/21 01:42 (GMT)
2021/06/11 4 article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
1372. I drew nudes. (Scribblings) original uploaded on 2021/05/18 13:17 (GMT)
1390. I made a female torso.(Trial) original uploaded on 2021/06/05 15:43 (GMT)
1393. I made a female brest. (Traial and imaginary) original uploaded on 2021/06/07 17:51 (GMT)
1396. I made a walking man's crotch. (Trial and imaginary) original uploaded on 2021/06/08 16:23 (GMT)
2021/06/08 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1397. Do not steal women. (and men also) original uploaded on 2021/06/09 09:57 (GMT)
And < Additional writings >
2020/11/06 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1179. Would you select the next President of the U.S.A. by each getting votes? original uploaded on 2020/11/06 03:44 (GMT)
2020/11/01 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1167. If I am a foreigner original uploaded on 2020/11/01 10:39 (GMT)
2020/06/21 I changed top parts of top page.
This site name changes to "Funnysteps World".
I omit "Local Jucies".
1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1016. I changed top page of Funnysteps a little original uploaded on 2020/06/21 19:34 (GMT)
2020/06/03 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
996. It's a crime, if someone killed another person by his personal judge. original uploaded on 2020/06/03 15:51 (GMT)
2020/05/28 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
1 correction is added.
993. Are you "OUT", if you are checked? original uploaded on 2020/05/28 16:39 (GMT)
2020/04/22 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
935. You cannot pretend virus have vanished. Virus have been still alive. original uploaded on 2020/04/22 14:02 (GMT)
I fixed No. 125's link in table of contents page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new".
I lined underlines under all uploaded No.s in table of contents page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new".
2020/04/18 1 article's "Correction 3 in Japanese edition" of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
929. What is "Social distance"? original uploaded on 2020/04/18 17:23
2020/04/18 2 article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
929. What is "Social distance"? original uploaded on 2020/04/18 17:23
930. Is it better to open windows without hesitation? original uploaded on 2020/04/18 18:33 (GMT)
2020/04/15 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added (4 Additionals)
and added the number of "2" and "3" on the 2nd and 3rd additional writings's titles each.
904. We must learn about these small things (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/03/27 16:03 (GMT)
2020/04/14 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is corrected as 3 dense virus situations in the surrounding air of you (3 dense cases). 918. Please rethink reasons not going out from our home (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/04/08 14:14 (GMT)
2020/04/11 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added (3 Additionals).
904. We must learn about these small things (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/03/27 16:03 (GMT)
2020/04/11 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
904. We must learn about these small things (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/03/27 16:03 (GMT)
2020/04/10 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added (Additionals).
918. Please rethink reasons not going out from our home (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/04/08 14:14 (GMT)
2020/04/09 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
918. Please rethink reasons not going out from our home (New coronavirus) original uploaded on 2020/04/08 14:14 (GMT)
2019/04/29 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is changeed.
643. An attitude of "Believing attitude in 100% may be dangerous, I think" original uploaded on 2019/04/29 13:16 (GMT)
2019/04/29 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
643. An attitude of "Believing attitude in 100% may be dangerous, I think" original uploaded on 2019/04/29 13:16 (GMT)
2019/04/05 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
569. "Oh? This man is also here?" (an art exhibition about Vermeer in Japan) original uploaded on 2018/11/29 17:48 (GMT)
2019/03/16 1 article's English page of "My Art Works" is added.
One moments in Sunshine Aquarium original uploaded on 2019/03/16 (GMT)
2018/12/19 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
567. I saw a picture, "Woman Reading a Letter" by Gabriel Metsu original uploaded on 2018/11/28 16:25 (GMT)
2018/12/18 1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
575. Shooting stars original uploaded on 2018/12/14 15:35 (GMT)
2018/11/06 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added all links.
558. It's not good that you are flamed or get shaken by other people. original uploaded on 2018/11/05 14:04 (GMT)
1 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
242. Alcoholic drinks and an old legend original uploaded on 2017/03/30 09:27 (GMT)
One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added "Additional Writings 3 : Differences from recommendations by merchants"
558. It's not good that you are flamed or get shaken by other people. original uploaded on 2018/11/05 14:04 (GMT)
2018/11/05 4 article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
558. It's not good that you are flamed or get shaken by other people. original uploaded on 2018/11/05 14:04 (GMT)
125. Qualities of information original uploaded on 2016/11/26 16:36 (GMT)
201. Do not hear straight original uploaded on 2017/03/03 05:17 (GMT)
153. I want to say "Rumors original uploaded on 2016/12/21 13:20 (GMT)
2018/10/30 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
556. NOTICE: Mochi-BEAT learned English, I heard. original uploaded on 2018/10/29 16:29 (GMT)
2018/10/24 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added "Modified Writings"
462. Mochi-BEAT's Hero Anthem original uploaded on 2018/06/06 18:03 (GMT)
2018/10/24 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added "Additional Writings"
462. Mochi-BEAT's Hero Anthem original uploaded on 2018/06/06 18:03 (GMT)
2018/10/23 Two article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
462. Mochi-BEAT's Hero Anthem original uploaded on 2018/06/06 18:03 (GMT)
552. Two gazes original uploaded on 2018/10/10 13:32 (GMT)
2018/10/22 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
52. Now we are on a turning point of economy growth, I heard. original uploaded on 2016/10/16 13:22 (GMT)
2018/10/10 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
551. One of my dislike things original uploaded on 2018/10/08 15:21 (GMT)
2018/09/30 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
499. "Heavy rain", "Mudslide" and "For safe escape" original uploaded on 2018/07/31 12:51 (GMT)
2018/05/27 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
449. A belly of NASA's space shuttle original uploaded on 2018/05/27 18:05 (GMT)
2018/02/09 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
411. Recent my self-portrait (2018.02.09) original uploaded on 2018/02/09 13:56 (GMT) (22:56 (JST and KST))
I correct JMT of 392's time stamp to JST, sorry.
2018/01/08 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added Another Writings.
392. NHK Red and White Singing Festival 2017 original uploaded on 2017/12/31 16:58 (GMT) (2018/01/01 01:58 (JST))
2017/12/31 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added Another Writings.
392. NHK Red and White Singing Festival 2017 original uploaded on 2017/12/31 16:58 (GMT) (2018/01/01 01:58 (JST))
2017/12/31 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
392. NHK Red and White Singing Festival 2017 original uploaded on 2017/12/31 16:58 (GMT) (2018/01/01 01:58 (JST))
2017/12/26 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
389. Second Abe administration is lasting for 5 years till today original uploaded on 2017/12/26 06:49 (GMT)
2017/09/30 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
345. A ball came to me, so I will pass you :) original uploaded on 2017/09/30 10:14 (GMT)
2017/10/14 I showed "Privacy Policy", which follows Japanese Laws, "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," in Japanese.
I linked it from "ENGLISH TOP" and "Who is speaking to you?".
2017/10/07 1 article's English page of "Start from deep points" is added.
Junior High school
8. It is too messy to draw graphs.
2017/10/06 I changed 7. What means , ?
Please click it.

1 article's English page of "Start from deep points" is added.
Junior High school
7. What means , ?
2017/10/05 5 articles' English pages of "Start from deep points" are added.
Junior High school
2. What are letters in math?
3. What are functions?
4. It is too messy to prove some theorems in math.
5. I want to write my sentences good.
6. Why we use π as the circular constant?
2017/10/04 One article English page of "Start from deep points" is added.
1. What are negative numbers?
2017/10/01 One article English page of "Start from deep points" is added.
9. What are cultures?
2017/09/29 css update tutorials updated. (see below column.)

4 articles' English pages of "Start from deep points" are small changed.
Why do we learn? -We must really live in now-
Subtitle is changed and last paragraph is added.
Why do we learn? Part. 2 -We can live our lives best-
Last phrase changed to a paragraph and two enters are inserted.
2. When we divide a number by a fraction, why must we turn that fraction upside down and after then multiply them?
"4 third" in < Additional Writings > was changed to an icon.
3. What is the total amount 1 of "problems of work"?
I inserted an enter under "THAT IS,..." sentence.
2017/09/28 English pages of "Start from deep points" are partly opened. Sorry for waiting.
Please reload style.css by cliking this link once
(if you push reload button, better. Thank you.)
and come back this page by browser's back button.
(If more than 1 rows is shown, it is the last version.)
10 articles' English pages of "Start from deep points" are added.
Why do we learn? -We must live in now-
Why do we learn? Part. 2 -We can live our lives best-
1. What is 1 as ratio?
2. When we divide a number by a fraction, why must we turn that fraction upside down and after then multiply them?
3. What is the total amount 1 of "problems of work"?
4. What do I really do when I do not read questions correctly?
5. I want to write my sentences good.
6. What are c, k, m? We usually see them with units.
7. Why must we make our notes good?
8. Why must we make our notes good? Part. 2
2017/09/17 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
327. Representations of "A child of " original uploaded on 2017/09/07 07:30 (GMT)
2017/09/16 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
331. "Live money" and "Dead money" original uploaded on 2017/09/11 10:12 (GMT)
2017/09/15 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
328. Prohibition of by-business original uploaded on 2017/09/08 11:40 (GMT)
2017/09/13 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
330. I tried a rental Camera X-T2 (Thank FUJIFILM-san!) original uploaded on 2017/09/10 17:15 (GMT)
2017/09/04 Two article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
323. & 325. JUMP!! original uploaded on 2017/09/01 16:43 & 2017/09/04 15:41 (GMT)
324. & 326. JUMP!! Backing Ver.2 original uploaded on 2017/09/03 14:54 & 2017/09/04 17:29(GMT)
2017/08/31 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
313. Distinguishing people and Killing people original uploaded on 2017/08/13 16:22 (GMT)
2017/08/30 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
318. Ghosts and their shadows original uploaded on 2017/08/25 16:03 (GMT)
2017/07/22 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
301. Oh? Wow, Today is the first anniversary of Funnysteps. original uploaded on 2017/07/22 06:34 (GMT)
2017/05/29 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
275. Report on progress of misinformed my e-mail address original uploaded on 2017/05/29 13:07 (GMT)
2017/05/16 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
271. It is said that Disney's unpublished movie was stolen original uploaded on 2017/05/16 10:33 (GMT)
I added one lost paragraph after uploaded.
2017/05/04 Eight article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
204. Words Playing Part.1 (Ocean) original uploaded on 2016/03/06 13:15 (GMT)
205. Words Playing Part.2 (Japanese cherry) original uploaded on 2017/03/06 15:58 (GMT)
207. Today's sky (2017.03.08) original uploaded on 2017/03/08 16:15 (GMT)
230. I made my original drum original uploaded on 2017/03/22 09:34 (GMT)
231. Test play of "Funnysteps Drum" original uploaded on 2017/03/23 14:32 (GMT)
240. Distructions of our living environments original uploaded on 2017/03/29 12:49 (GMT)
267. I handed in a notification of opening of business to a tax office in Japan original uploaded on 2017/04/27 11:28 (GMT)
269. A preferable sequence in one's profession selectings original uploaded on 2017/05/04 11:21 (GMT)
2017/05/02 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
190. About a word of "free" in English original uploaded on 2017/02/18 16:09 (GMT)
And 190. About a word of "free" in English original uploaded on 2017/02/18 16:09 (GMT)
is added.
2017/05/01 268. My announced e-mail address is wrong and I change to another original uploaded on 2017/04/29 08:00 (GMT)
was added sentences about that exif meta data of some picuters of my site and blogs changed.
2017/04/30 two article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
235. Humans acts and his responsibilities for those original uploaded on 2017/03/28 09:43 (GMT)
268. My announced e-mail address is wrong and I change to another original uploaded on 2017/04/29 08:00 (GMT)
2017/04/29 I changed my mail address to
If you want to contact me,
please use
I will also erase my announced email address on meta data of my jpegs.
I add notice on index page.
2017/04/27 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
192. "Feel good." On what does he say? original uploaded on 2017/02/23 08:15 (GMT)
2017/04/25 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
222. A representation of "A devil is in one's heart" original uploaded on 2017/03/18 08:08 (GMT)
2017/04/24 Five article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
100. Human technics and people who use them original uploaded on 2016/11/10 16:34 (GMT)
198. About straight memorizations original uploaded on 2017/03/01 05:20 (GMT)
220. Difference between people original uploaded on 2017/03/17 07:42 (GMT)
234. Remaining life length and one's sense of worth original uploaded on 2017/03/27 14:58 (GMT)
266. Rights to see original uploaded on 2017/04/23 09:22 (GMT)
2017/04/23 Three article's English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are added.
263. Introduce of my made instrument (Makitsuki-tripod) original uploaded on 2017/04/17 14:57 (GMT)
264. At Ochanomizu (in Tokyo, next Akihabara) original uploaded on 2017/04/20 16:22 (GMT)
265. You are a student of the university of Tokyo, so what? Part 2 original uploaded on 2017/04/21 15:16 (GMT)
2017/04/10 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
262. "Mochi-beat" distribution GIFs released original uploaded on 2017/04/10 15:14 (GMT)
Changed one page LINE Sticker
Heave-ho Your Heart! "Mochi-beat"
2017/02/18 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
177. We are often said, "Study! Practice!", but... original uploaded on 2017/02/01 08:41 (GMT)
2017/02/12 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
180. To pin a label on someone original uploaded on 2017/02/06 05:51 (GMT)
2017/02/10 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is uploaded.
94.Mr. Trump and smiles to him original uploaded on 11/09 08:15 (GMT)
And I changed "governers" to "politicians" in this article.
2017/02/09 Three articles' English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are uploaded.
178. Articles stock type site original uploaded on 2017/02/02 09:05 (GMT)
183. Liking of music original uploaded on 2017/02/08 13:48 (GMT)
184. He said like that. (Global Warming NRDC) original uploaded on 2017/02/08 16:40 (GMT)
2017/02/08 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is added.
182. Right answers and wrong answers original uploaded on 2017/02/08 05:21 (GMT)
2017/02/08 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is uploaded.
182. Right answers and wrong answers original uploaded on 2017/02/08 05:21 (GMT)
2017/02/04 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is uploaded.
95. To select freely original uploaded on 2016/11/09 10:43 (GMT)
2017/02/03 One article's English page of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" is uploaded.
179. I usually do not find such a category in Japan "Last Chance" original uploaded on 2017/02/03 12:52 (GMT)
2017/01/09 Two articles' English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" are uploaded.
2. Pokémon GO is released in Japan original uploaded on 2016/07/22 13:24 (GMT)
3. Automatic operated driving cars original uploaded on 2016/07/22 13:50 (GMT)
2017/01/07 English pages of my blog "Thinking brings you something new" opened.
2017/01/03 English pages opened.
(A part of Japanese pages opened.)
Japanese original pages and English edition pages are linked each other one by one .
So, you can go to another lanuage edition page from each page.
2016/07/22 Funnysteps opened.
(Japanese pagese opened.)

Funnysteps > What's new?
copyright Funnysteps all rights reserved.
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