Funnysteps > Thinkings bring you something new TOP > 182. Right answers and wrong answers

Thinking bring you something new

182. Right answers and wrong answers
original uploaded on 2017/02/08 05:21 (GMT)

Japanese Edition of this blog page

In our human world, many exams and quizes are given to us
and we answer them each time
and our various answers are judged as correct ones or wrong ones by teachers or others.

I do not limit correct answers into one.
But I think the number of correct answers is relatively small.
(Unique solutions are very welcome to me.
But I do not want to talk this point in this article.)

On the other hand,
the number of "how to make errors", that is, "how to get misconceptions or illusions or wrong ideas"
are much more than that of correct answers
, I think.
I also think that their (wrong answers') statues are much more various than those of corrects.

By on-the-spot investigations to occurred errors, that is, asking "What and how and why he made errors?",
I think, we get chances to see through him and we can find his characters and thinking ways.
And because he thinks that along with his deffinetely different thinking way
and he finds his reality along with his deffinetely different view way,
he may concludes his unique wrong conclusions, which we think we never find.
So I think these situations often happen in our world.

For me, these situations are interesting,
because I can know many various different thinkings and feelings by those errors.
But we must need to hear the others
whether he correctly understand me or something which he relates in advance,
or what exactly he thinks.

I want to say about this wrong answers' case in reality.
Even if we do not have any faults to put over,
persons exist in this world who recognize us with some week points

by their misconceptions about us.
And they want to annoy us and do that.
I saw them, I think that they misread their environmental realities
or they misunderstand their environmental realities.
So they think they have some chances to put over me.

In a result,
even if we do not have our faults to put over by others,
we can meet someone who want to put over us and want to annoy us.

I think "why these annoying cases happen to me after all".
I found one answer
that one of characters of "to make errors" causes these annoying cases occurings.
(Because conceptional errors are much various and occur in an unexpected fashion,
we can not control others errors
, I think.
But I merely think that he will and may be in some troubles,
if he can not deal correctly with his reality.)

And so, in the end,
when I face to persons who want to stick to wrong ideas from any our point of view,
I want willingly to ask them whether they really accept and believe their those ideas
or whether they recognize they can live with those ideas safely.

Another writing relating this article (2017/02/08):
I often found people laughing each other,
because they thought that they could cheat others.
But in my cases that I heard their coversations,
I thought they mistook to recognize their situations.
(But they were laughing as normal.)

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